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If You Could Spare Some Tears by Beth Lord

If You Could Spare Some Tears by Beth Lord

To Remember All The Lives Lost on 9.11

Prayers to all the lost ones and their families.

Commit to loving you, your stories and your life so their legacy lives on in you.

BethRead More

You Are Invited To The Empathy Chamber

You Are Invited To The Empathy Chamber

Our personal story as women are powerful, especially if we know it through another woman. When two or more meet, there is a fantastic process that happens that is unifying, supportive and allows us the forward momentum we need. We open up and feel joy when we share our stories with someone else. Not only do we share joy but somehow, just knowing we have unconditiRead More

Once Upon A Time There Was A Monster

Once Upon A Time There Was A Monster

Once upon a time, there was you and me. We used to sit around the campfire and tell our stories. And they were marvelous stories too. Of course, there were those of us who could tell stories and keep us on the edge of our seats. And there were those of us who needed to be encouraged to tell their stories with questions, supportive declarations, and our eyes full on. BRead More

Do You Know Your Stories?

Do You Know Your Stories?

Write Heart Memories is a robust system that guides us into telling our stories and putting these stories in books for you and for anyone interested in reading your stories. These books provide exceptional power and wisdom of our experiences on planet earth that inspire, motivate and move our behavior in the areas of compassion, and love for ourselves and otRead More

Labor Day Weekend Special

Labor Day Weekend Special

I want you telling your stories to me and experiencing how remarkable they turn out in a book because no matter how many memory storage boxes we have of our photos, videos and audiotapes our memories won’t be remembered. We need a system that allows us to recognize the joy and love we have experienced in our lives. That’s what I have created, a system that allows yRead More