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How do you find the Hero in you and keep this story alive?

Sep 28, 2018 | Comments Off on How do you find the Hero in you and keep this story alive?

It is our daily challenge. We have to find our way through the maze of everyone wanting our attention. We are pulled off course so quickly throughout the day and then the day is gone. Have we, during any of those seconds, minutes and moments of time enjoyed ourselves?

We are heroes. Joseph Campbell said it best when he said that we had made it through terrible odds conceived and fashioned with DNA and Genes that would make us a unique individual. We are heroes. And we start life as a hero. But then we take our tumbles and have our challenges. We survive because we are here right now together. It is fantastic that we are here, but we so forget the hero in us. Information and our distractions keep us from that wholeness in us. The deep bubbly goodness that we are heroes.

Your book of being a hero is just that. It connects you to yourself at any point in the day or the evening. It is yours for 1.99 in an ebook – powerpoint – movie that you can relate to at any point during the day or the evening to remember and know that “You Are A Hero.”



Here’s a sample of this 50 Page ebook.

“I wake up before my alarm goes off. I am comfortable in bed. I mean my body, my muscles, and even my mind are relaxed. I quickly assess if I need to get up or can I stay in bed for thirty more minutes and feel this calmness inside of me?

I reset the alarm. I lay back down and feel me. I sense me from head to toe. I breathe. I breathe in and out. In these magical moments, I know that my life is going to be okay. Not only okay but terrific because I am alive. I am alive, and that is spectacular. I’m not going to focus on what needs doing today, or what I should have done yesterday or the bills I have to pay. I let go of the daily hassle that takes me away from this great feeling in me.

What is this feeling inside of me? There are no words to this feeling. I must accept this feeling without having any name to it. That means I have to let go of my mind who wants to give it a name. I close my mind down. My bones, my muscles, and my heart say, “yeah” because I’m just with them. I notice how my body is in alignment when I do this. I feel the naturalness to my body. I curl up on my side to see how I feel. That feels good too. I stretch back into straightness. I wiggle my toes. Then I am quiet. The word comes up from my heart – “hero.”  I am a hero. I don’t need to do anything to deserve this title. It is just what it is. And I am worthy of accepting this gift, so I do. I am a hero, and all of me sings this acceptance of worthiness. I am alive and grateful to be alive.

Thank you life.

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