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Spring Cleaning Special

Mar 23, 2018 | Comments Off on Spring Cleaning Special

Spring Cleaning Special

99.00 to capture 30 of your cherished letters put in a 7”x10” softbound book

It is too little we spend on matters of the heat. They distract us from the life we lead which requires us to do something instead of reflecting, feeling and being inspired and empowered by those feelings. Sure, we open a trunk up in the attic or pull out a file from Aunt May’s file cabinet as her executor and find the fantastic letters from her betrothed who was fighting in World War II. Lines blacked out for military purposes but love notes with reading ~ marvelous considering May married Ed, and they had five children.

Consider a woman dying from cancer and leaving her last thoughts to her family and friends with this email dated in 2007.

“Dear Friends,

I am writing in earnest and apologize that it’s a group email.

As most of you know, I was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer

last year and have been fighting it hard ever since. At this

point, the disease has grown and spread, and I have chosen

not to pursue more treatment. This turning point is news to

me, and I am still in shock and having a hard time accepting

that it’s true and that it’s me. It’s strange because I feel and

look pretty darn good right now. And I don’t feel like I’m

giving up. I’d just really like to have some positive days when

I’m not feeling poisoned and ill with side effects. I guess this

can all progress quite quickly at this point.


Tomorrow morning I’m going to Hawaii with my dream team,

you know who you are.  And then a trip to Florida for Christmas

to see family.


I don’t know when but my family and I will need help and more

practical support. My good friends and neighbors have very

generously offered to organize/manage the care group. I hope

you don’t mind that I gave them your email addresses so they

can contact you for more info.


There are so many of you that I haven’t seen in a while. Please stop

by so we can have an opportunity to be together one more time. 


With love,


Previous generations put their thoughts on paper with pen and ink. For the most part, the ink still holds up but for how long?

That’s why I’m offering a Spring Cleaning Special from now until March 31st. If you pay $99.00 at the link below, you can send me up to thirty of your cherished letters. I’ll put them in a 7”x10” softbound book, title it and send it to you as an ebook and a printed book too. There your letter memories are saved.

This offer is open until March 31st, and then I’ll close the doors at midnight, PST on March 31, 2018.

Success is not measured by the number of people you know, but by how many know you and have written to you and your loved ones. Work today and invest in this marvelous opportunity to remember you, family and other historical documents in your business or professional career.

Tomorrow, play with family and friends and go on a treasure hunt looking for letters in physical locations and in your email box that you want to remember in a book format.

And Monday, send me your letters via email. Bundle them, and send me as many attachments as you can. And photos? Yes, I’ll need a front cover picture and one for the back cover plus ten images for the inside of your book.

Leave it to me, and you won’t be sorry the book you’ll receive. The price comes with free shipping too.

Any questions just give me a call at 206-929-0024.

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