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Posts Tagged "self discovery"

Can You Find The Buried Treasure?

Top Talent, Vaughn Lowery pulled up out of his impoverished neighborhood in Detroit, had the opportunity to accelerate in Advanced Placement Classes in high school and received scholarships from University of Michigan and Cornell. He chose Cornell.

From the Detroit changing neighborhood of “No Success,” Vaughn moved into “Success.” He has chronicled his life events, opportunities and leadership concepts in his book that I am writing for him. We finished the final recording session yesterday before he went to S. Africa for a few weeks for his business.

He is a top model, top talent in modeling, commercials, and acting. He had a glamour, glitzy life and he has had un Read More

It Is The First Day

It Is The First Day

(Edited Transcript)

Good-Morning, it is the first day of my Write Heart Memory challenge. I have butterflies in my stomach because I’m a pretty private human being and yet I need my tribe of people and the only way I’m going to get my tribe of people is if you know me.

So just to let you know, we are doing this Write Heart Memory Challenge together. I will do this every day on Facebook Live Streaming at 6:00 AM and 8:00 PM - Pacific Standard Time on Instagram. Then I’ll recap it on Youtube. I am setting up an account at Patreon where I can provide you with extra information and other videos if you are inte Read More

Do You Feel, Stuck? Join The Write Heart Memory Challenge April 16 Thru June 30

We feel stuck when we don’t have a vision in ourselves, or we don’t have the time to implement our passion. When we take a job because we know, we can do it, but it doesn’t feed our soul.

I  know these feelings because I am taking a job until the end of June so that my money flow gets flowing again. I know many people can say this is true about them. But the difference for me is that I won’t be defeated. And I won’t let you get beaten either. I took this job so I could connect with what most people are feeling in their everyday lives. And now I know God is giving me a way to communicate with you so we can build the energy and focus our visions together. Read More Read More

Beringe Priorities for Success and Fun

I know I'm supposed to post on Mondays but now it is Tuesday, and it’s okay I’m posting today.  I forgive myself for not being a robot. I am human, and that’s okay. Besides, it takes me one to two hours to craft a blog so that it's meaningful to you and me. Content is king, and if I can't produce king, then it's a waste of both of our time.

So there was no way I had time to reach out to you yesterday because I had to prioritize to get a project completed. I had a deadline. Do you feel like that at all when you have to focus on one thing at the exclusion of everything else? You can’t multitask because the project is stretching you to the outer cores of your being. Y Read More

Did you know today is International Women’s Day?

I did not know this. Seven years ago I was “pushed” out of my cushy corporate pharmaceutical sales position. The new male area business manager could look good, and my male district manager could replace me with his good ‘ole buddy from Montana who wanted to bring his family to Seattle, had for thousands less than what I was getting paid. I felt shame. I had never been fired before. So I took the guilt with me. I told the sadness, anger, and depression as well. I also took the opportunity to learn who I was as a person and not define me by the all-consuming roles I played. I took all of my investments, retirement money, refinanced my home twice and credit card support in order to bring you my company and provide reasonable costs for storytelling, story sharing and building a simpl Read More